Cat Furniture: How to Choose the Right Scratch Post for Your Household Pets

If you own a cat or plan to have one as pet, then sooner or later you will found out that this particular group in the animal kingdom is so fond of scratching things, particularly furniture. This is a known innate behavior of cats, which is due to several reasons but most importantly for grooming purposes. Cats uniquely groom themselves through scratching wherein they got to remove the top layer of their claws which allow for the new layer to grow. If you are like the other pet owners who don't prefer cats scuffing on furniture, the best solution is to lure them away from these things. Believe it or not, scratch posts can work wonders for you.

Scratch posts are ready-made available in most pet shops, There are cat trees, scratch posts, and activity centers that will help encourage their nature behavior while at the same time make the pet stay away from your furniture. They come in different design, size and colors which are mostly determined by your available space and budget. Nowadays, pet shops make sure that they have several stocks and range of cat condo products that will ensure customers get their preferred option together with the opportunity to care for their furniture.

With the innovation of technology, other than traditional shop, pet stores can now also be found online. They also offer scratch poles and other related items for pet owners, which made shopping for pet products and accessories even more easy and convenient. The range of price offered in online store can range from $85 to $200 depending on the cat tower product design, size, and other factors. Buyers are also assured in terms of service and delivery, some even offered shipping insurance.

The above information only shows that it is now very easy to find the necessary things you need to have for your dear household pets, like for cats, a scratch post. But like buying for your personal stuff, you need to make sure that you know what they particularly need. Since the price determinants are the design, size and materials, strike a balance in your choices on the three things, but do not compromise on the size. The base of the scratch post should be wide enough and the pose should be long to withstand the pressure coming from the body weight of your pet or the cat.

If you learn to keep in mind the above tips and recommendation when buying for cat furniture, then you will surely have that pet product that is best for your pet and of value to your money.